
The 5 W...

Throughout the past few weeks, I have had an increasing amount of questions that come my way in regards to my future travels. Questions such as: Where in France are you going? How long are you staying? How big is your city? Are the French boys there good looking? How much cheese do they eat?

So I thought I might enlighten you- on the more intelligent questions at least. 

The city  I will be staying in is a little town of 14 000 people; Valentigney [val-OHN-teen-yeh]. It is located in the Eastern most region in France in an area named la Franche ComtĂ©. This area of France was inhabited during the Paleolithic age and was occupied by the Gauls (so in a nut shell, it's very, very old) . It remains one of the countries more agriculturally dependent areas and produces some of the best cheeses in the country (YES!).

A photo of the region in relation to France.


Valentigney is a sweet little town that is located one hour north of the regions capital, Besançon. As you can see, it is a mountainous region, and is located in the foot hills of the Alps! Switzerland is only an hour or two away, along with Germany, and Paris is only 5-6 hours by car. 
I am so fortunate about the region of France that I am being hosted in, and cannot wait until February, 9th!

Speaking of departure...
14 days

Till tomorrow,



Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my blog!
This is the place where I will be journaling my travels, posting pictures, and sharing with you my life in France! Until my plane is off the ground from Pearson runways, I will be posting the count down days until I leave. So if you are unsure of my departure date, you can always refer back to this website.
How handy the internet is for these reasons! Wow, technology never ceases to amaze me- or terrify me.
So strap yourself in and bookmark this page because we are going for one heck of an adventure!

