

Ok. So I have decided to do this in waves. I have been so extremely  busy these last few weeks. 
This is how it is going to go down; I will post pictures of my travels etc. with little explanations and you all can leave comments as you like.
I must apologize for my long absence. Maintaining a blog is not an easy thing when your life is packed (and furthermore it takes forever to load all the pictures!). However, I have decided that even if I have a little time on the computer I will load what I can and post it for you all -even if it's one or two photos, it's better than nothing!

So, it begins with Strasbourg...

Arriving: Me and Sandra

The Parkour gang: (from left) Laurent, Sandra, Guillaume, Solenne with her eyes closed

Gare de Strasbourg (Strasbourg Train Station), it's really beautiful and full of light!

All the Parkour people (Parkour is the art of displacement; it's jumping from walls, and roofs -basically learning to move around really really quickly. Check it out on Youtube!)




A taste of photos to come!!
Thats all for now, but I promise more photos will come tomorrow!

Hope Canada is wonderful -I here the spring there is incredible!
Photos of Provence, Paris, Alps, Germany, Roman Ruins, Strasbourg, and daily life are on their way, so check in daily to get the updates! Plus, please leave comments if you have any questions or want to see more of something! Love you all, and know that I miss all of you, and you are not forgotten!!


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