

Hello everyone!

We went shopping yesterday for food. Every other day is grocery day for the French. We go every day or every other day to buy our fresh bread and vegetables, fish and meat- anything we want fresh for the next couple of meals. Then, in a typical French home, you go once to the huge supermarket (which is bigger than a Super Store) and buy everything you cannot buy in the smaller stores in your town. The Super Market in France is huge. It is more packed with practical and impractical items than I have ever seen in North America. Although, you know what shocked me, there is more prepackaged and processed food in a French supermarket than that of Canada. It was flabbergasting. Oh but the cheese section! OH! It is incredible...
Truly a different culinary experience.

Toy Section:

Guillaume; the Pompier.

A local Mini-Market:

The Super Market:
**this is the MASSIVE cheese section

John and Sabine found me a leash  so I wouldn't get lost by my curiosity...
...my poor mother.


They were moving this car from a display in the market- something our stores do not have many of that the French seem to be obsessed with. There was a display for everything from Mangoes to Cat Food!

A snippet of my city; Guillaume and I:

A snippet of us.

A demain ~ Till tomorrow


  1. qui est-ce que guillaume? [excuse ma francais. il est veritable triste. il est ancienne et rusty.]

  2. google translate tells me i should say, Qui est Guillaume? [Excusez mon français. Il est vraiment triste. il est vieux et rouillé.]

    yeah, something like that.
